IN Real Life

In Real Life - 2004 - 15.99 plus S&H

Are you successfully single? Meet Bobbie, who says no such thing ever existed. Just recently separated and relocated to the DC Metro area, Bobbie has attached herself to Aaron who she “kicks it” with. Witty and feisty, but not too smart on relationships; Bobbie feeds her heart with sexual favors and her pocket with his money. Caught in a love triangle that she doesn’t even know she’s a part of, she beats Aaron at his own game without his knowledge of her team spirit. Will she continue to be satisfied playing seconds to his other girls? Will her friend Greg who she runs to for comfort when Aaron doesn’t treat her right continue to play seconds to Aaron? The only thing standing in the way of her success is the thirst for Aaron’s attention. Six degrees of separation lands Bobbie in a circle of repeat until she gets it right.

other works by KaNikki available on
The Color Blue | Introducing KaNikki J

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